Rose water benefits

Nikki Chase



Time to read 5 min

Your Skin Will Love the Rose Water Benefits from Sprays and Toners. Here's How to Do It Right!

We can all appreciate the beauty of a vase of roses, but if eyeing these floral beauties is all we’re doing, we’re missing out! When distilled properly, roses produce a versatile rose water that can benefit your skin from the inside out. Keep reading to learn how.

What Is Rose Water?

Rose water
  • Rose water has been used for centuries for its scent as well as for its calming and healing properties. In fact, rose water benefits have been noted as far back as ancient Egypt when Cleopatra herself made it a part of her beauty routine. It also has a history of being used medicinally by Native Americans in North America as well as by Middle Easterners many centuries ago.
  • Rose water is created through a steam distillation of fresh rose petals, giving it an alluring aroma that’s hard to resist. Today, rose water is found in everything from facial sprays and toners to moisturizers and makeup removers.

Rose Water Benefits You'll Love

Rose water

Rose water benefits primarily originate from its antioxidants as well as vitamins A and C. These agents are powerful anti-agers. For this reason, rose water is often used to treat early signs of aging on the face and to brighten the skin. The incredible benefits of rose water run more than skin deep, though.

Rose water is also anti-inflammatory, astringent and antibacterial, making it excellent for treating wounds. According to the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, this wound-healing ability is thanks to the fragrant water’s high levels of citronellol and geraniol. Rose water is loved and used by many to treat all types of cuts and scrapes for faster healing with less scarring. It’s even effective on burns!

Besides topical application, the very fragrance of rose water has its advantages. Its celebrated calming scent works via aromatherapy on the central nervous system to decrease depression and anxiety while enhancing mood. It can induce sleep similar to some prescription sleep aids.

Rose Water Uses: Acne, Make Up Remover, and More

Rose Water Uses: Acne, Make Up Remover, and More
  • Though rose water benefits are widespread, the majority of people use it for their skin. An antioxidant-rich rose water spray can protect the skin from environmental damage, for instance. Not only that, but by calming inflammation, it can be used successfully on sensitive skin to reduce redness. It also opens the pores to let in nutrients and beneficial ingredients from other topical treatments.
  • So not only is it beneficial in and of itself, it also boosts the absorption rate of other vital nutrients. Plus, good news for acne sufferers: The antibacterial properties of rose water can decrease the bacteria on the skin that causes breakouts. Using rose water for acne can also heal acne scars and rejuvenate skin tissue in areas of scarring.
  • Rose water can be applied regularly to the skin with very little risk of side effects. In fact, it is safe on nearly all skin types. As a toner, consider applying chilled rose water gently with a cotton swab or through a spray bottle.
  • Rosewater can also be used as a makeup remover when mixed into coconut oil for an extra boost of anti-aging benefits – even when cleansing the face. For the best anti-aging benefits or for wound healing, consider using rose water at least twice a day. 

Other than these topical uses, rose water can also be used in many other applications, including the following:

  • Calm a sore throat
  • Treat conjunctivitis of the eyes
  • Decrease headaches and migraines
  • Decrease bloating
  • Stop bleeding

The Best Forms of Rose Water

Forms of Rose Water

Rose water can be found in a variety of products, including perfumes, lotions and facial astringents. However, it is most commonly found in facial toners and rejuvenating sprays. When purchasing rose water, buyers should beware of “cut” recipes, which is the result of diluting pure rose water with chemicals and other questionable ingredients.

For example, alcohol-based ingredients can actually irritate the skin. Also, keep an eye out for synthetic fragrances. Rose water is naturally aromatic with no need for toxic, man-made scents. Besides purchasing ready-made products, making rose water at home is actually easier than you’d think.

How to Make Rose Water Spray at Home

rose water

This is DIY rose water toner that literally anyone can make at home! You simply need fresh rose petals, distilled water, and witch hazel.

  1. Place the petals in a large pot of distilled water.
  2. Simmer on medium-low for 30 minutes.
  3. Strain the petals from the mixture.
  4. Mix one part rose water with one part witch hazel into a glass spray bottle.
  5. Store it in the refrigerator.


While rose water uses often focus on cosmetic benefits and its soothing scent, rose water can be used medicinally to treat a wide array of problems – particularly those originating on the skin, the largest organ of the body. It’s often found in lotions, toners and various skin sprays, making it easy to benefit from its versatile properties. Rose water’s delightful aroma calms the nervous system and enhances mood, while the rose oil in the water itself produces powerful antioxidant and anti-aging effects. Consider adding it to your skincare routine today!

Related Questions

1. Can I use rose water daily on my face?

Yes, you can use rose water daily on your face as it is gentle and hydrating. It helps soothe the skin, reduce redness, and maintain a fresh appearance.

2. Is rose water good for skin whitening?

Rose water can help brighten the skin and improve overall complexion, but it does not significantly whiten the skin. Its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties can enhance radiance and promote an even skin tone.

3. Does rose water make lips pink?

Rose water can help keep lips moisturized and may enhance their natural color, giving them a healthier appearance. While it won't dramatically change lip color, regular use can contribute to a softer, pinkish hue.

4. What are the side effects of rose water?

Rose water is generally safe for most skin types, but some people may experience irritation or allergic reactions. It’s best to perform a patch test before widespread use to ensure compatibility with your skin.

Nikki Chase

Nikki Chase

As co-owner Era Organics, Nikki's expertise runs deep. She spends her days immersed in the latest medical studies and scouring trusted websites, ensuring her knowledge reflects the cutting edge of science.

About Nikki Chase