Best baby lotion

Nikki Chase



Time to read 8 min

When it comes to baby lotion, there are so many options to choose from—and they’re not all created equal. Here’s how to identify the best lotion for non-toxic relief of dry skin.

If you’ve been a parent for more than, oh, a day, then you know how challenging it can be to find a lotion for babies and children that is both effective and safe. Infants and young children are particularly prone to dryness because their skin is much more sensitive than adults’. Everything from indoor heating to cold outdoor air, summer sun exposure, air conditioning, diaper rash, and frequent bathing can cause young skin to become dry, patchy, or irritated. In other words, baby lotion is a must-have for any parent.

But here’s the rub: So many of the body moisturizers geared toward children are filled with impossible-to-pronounce ingredients that have been linked to dubious health effects. The list of toxic chemicals found in many moisturizing creams is depressingly long. Suspect ingredients include (but aren’t limited to) DMDM hydantoin, fragrance, parabens, PEG, phthalates, propylene glycol, quaternium-15, and sodium Lauretha and lauryl sulfate.

These ingredients have been linked to a slew of potential health impacts, from respiratory issues such as asthma to eye damage, skin damage or irritation, allergic reactions, hormone disruption, and even neurological issues. Many of them—including PEG and propylene glycol—may be carcinogenic (meaning they have the potential to cause cancer).

That all sounds pretty scary. After all, the role of a parent is to protect their children, not give them asthma. So before we go any further, let’s all take a deep breath. The good news is there are baby lotions that are both safe and effective for treating dryness and keeping young skin healthy. In order to find the best lotion for your needs, you simply need to know what ingredients to look for.

Now that we’ve covered what you don’t want in a kid lotion, let’s take a look at some of the ingredients that are ideal for young skin. Armed with this information, you’ll be empowered to weed through the body moisturizer aisle (or the online shop) and find the best body lotion for your children.

The Whys and Hows of Baby Lotion

A good child lotion should help counteract young skin’s proclivity toward dryness. As mentioned above, a host of factors can all collude to zap your baby’s skin of moisture. These include dry air, sun exposure, and air conditioning. When an infant lotion is doing its job, it should:

  • Help soothe skin dryness
  • Heal rashes
  • Keep skin soft, and
  • Promote healthy skin overall

In the winter, aim to apply kid lotion at least twice a day. Same goes for any time your kid’s skin is noticeably dry. Again, it’s critical that you choose a body moisturizer that contains helpful ingredients (and doesn’t contain harmful ones). Otherwise, you risk doing more harm than good. Experts recommend applying a moisturizing cream after bath time year round. It may also be helpful to apply moisturizer before putting on a new diaper—this way, the lotion provides a “barrier” that helps prevent the diaper from irritating your infant’s skin.

10 Baby Lotion Ingredients for Healthier Skin

10 Baby Lotion Ingredients for Healthier Skin

Once you’ve committed to ditching toxic chemicals, it’s time to select a plant-based moisturizer that relieves dry skin without exposing your child to potentially harmful chemicals. The tricky thing is that even when you know what to avoid, it can be tough to identify ingredients that will actually provide your child relief.

After all, as much as you don’t want to expose your child to harmful ingredients, you also want to treat their skin issues. Just because something is natural, that doesn’t mean it will be effective. But with the following ingredients, you get the best of both worlds. Not only are they non-toxic and naturally occurring, but they’ve also been proven to soothe dry skin, heal rashes, keep skin soft, and generally promote healthy skin. And that is the earmark of a quality lotion.

Chamomile Extract

This little flower can do more than look good around your house or make a nice tea. Chamomile has been used for centuries to help heal wounds. It is shown to be a powerful anti-inflammatory and its nutrients promote healing while cleansing the skin. Chamomile extract has been proven to soothe skin irritations while moisturizing.

Calendula Oil

Calendula, which is derived from marigold flowers, has a long-standing reputation as one of the most soothing skincare products around—and for good reason. Calendula  oil promises to help treat minor cuts, burns, bruises, and skin irritations. It accomplishes this by preventing infections, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing. It boasts antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which help maintain skin health and is particularly effective for soothing diaper rash.

Cocoa Butter

Sorry, parents: Cocoa butter doesn’t actually erase stretch marks. But that doesn’t mean you should throw the cocoa butter out with the bathwater. This shelf-stable fat provides a host of benefits for young skin with its high levels of antioxidants, which help fight free radicals and promote skin health overall. Its antioxidant content also helps explain why it’s a powerful anti-inflammatory and can help relieve psoriasis, eczema, and rashes. The high amounts of saturated fats are very effective skin moisturizers, making it particularly effective for treating chapped or burned skin and reducing itchiness. The high amount of polyphenols help maintain skin elasticity and complete skin health.

Coconut Oil

Just as coconut oil is a safe and effective skincare option for adults, it’s also an ingredient in some of the best baby lotions on the market. Coconut oil is a great choice for kid lotions for several reasons; Much like cocoa butter, it’s high in saturated fats, which help moisturize and smooth the skin. It contains plenty of Vitamin E, which has been shown to prevent cracked skin and repair dry or broken skin. The high levels of lauric acid, have both antiviral and antibacterial properties—making it a good choice for soothing rashes. Coconut even helps the skin retain more moisture so that it’s less prone to dryness in the first place.

Rosemary Extract

That’s right: Rosemary isn’t just for garnishing fancy cocktails or flavoring stews. It also promises some powerful skin benefits. Rosemary promotes circulation, which can help soothe symptoms of eczema and speed up wound healing. It’s packed with antioxidants, which can ward off skin damage and promote overall skin health. It’s both antimicrobial and antiseptic, which makes it a helpful treatment for conditions such as acne, dermatitis, eczema, and oily skin.

Avocado Oil

While you may eat it for it's healthy fats, your skin will love it just as much. That is because those same essential nutrients will speed up wound healing and reduce inflammation. It even improves healthy skin by strengthening skin fibers, increasing collagen density and growth. What more could skin ask for?

Sunflower Oil

These big beautiful flowers don't just make a fun seed to chew on, it's oils can work miracles. This is due to its high amount of fatty-acids which restores lipids to damaged skin. Sunflower oil help maintain the skin barrier and prevent water loss, improving overall skin health. It is so good at reducing  infection that it improved the mortality rate of infants by 26%!

Rosehip Seed Oil

The seeds taken from rose bushes are full of vitamins A, C, D and E, fatty acids and antioxidants. When these nutrients get absorbed through the skin they covert to prostaglandins which help cell membranes and tissue regeneration. It acts as a strong anti-inflammatory that helps with all kinds of skin troubles like rosacea, burns, rashes, acne, and more.

Lavender Oil

We've all heard and smelled this lovely oil, but did you know what it can do for your skin? These oils are antibacterial and antifungal, relax muscles and sooth itch. They are antimicrobial to help prevent infection while speeding up healing. Lavender even reverses oxidative stress, keeping skin nice and healthy.

Gluten Free Oats

There is good reason your mom ran you an oatmeal bath to help soothe your chickenpox. It has been used for thousands of years to calm itchy, damaged skin. Oatmeal can improve dryness, scaling, itch, roughness, rashes, and more. It works to reduce inflammation and irritation while increasing moisture. It is even effective on eczema and psoriasis. Oats also help to improve the skin barrier to strengthen skin overall.


When selecting an gentle lotion, for infants and kids it's important to steer of harmful chemicals and focus on ingredients that support skin wellness. Many traditional moisturizers contain substances such as parabens and sulfates which have been associated with health concerns. Instead consider plant based alternatives that include soothing chamomile extract to reduce inflammation healing calendula oil with properties nourishing cocoa butter and coconut oil for hydration and antioxidant benefits as well as rosemary extract for improved circulation and skin protection. In addition avocado oil, sunflower oil, rosehip seed oil and lavender oil provide advantages like boosting collagen production restoring skin barriers and reducing inflammation. Gluten free oats work wonders in soothing irritation. Enhancing skin conditions like eczema. By opting for lotions containing these components parents can effectively address dryness, rashes and irritations while safeguarding their childs skin, from elements.

Related Questions:

1. Is baby lotion good for baby skin?

Yes using baby lotion is beneficial, for a babys skin as it assists in keeping it hydrated and shielded from dryness. Selecting a lotion that is specially designed for babies is crucial to prevent any potential irritation or allergic reactions.

2. What are the best ingredients to look for in a baby lotion?

Some key components to consider when choosing a baby lotion are;

Glycerin; Aids, in attracting and retaining moisture ensuring the skin stays hydrated.

Coconut Oil; Provides nourishment and shields the skin from becoming dry. 

Shea Butter; Packed with fatty acids and vitamins it supports the skins barrier and eases dryness. 

Ceramides; These lipids play a role, in preserving the skins barrier integrity and averting dryness.

3. How often should I apply baby lotion to my baby's skin?

Remember to use baby lotion on your ones skin whenever necessary after bath time and diaper changes. It helps keep their skin soft and shielded from dryness and discomfort.

4. How do I know if my baby has a skin allergy to lotion?

Regular baby lotion can keep your skin moisturized. Its not the choice, for dealing with eczema or diaper rash. To treat eczema it's better to use creams with ingredients such, as colloidal oatmeal or ceramides. For diaper rash its recommended to use thick barrier creams or ointments containing zinc oxide to safeguard and soothe irritated skin.

5. How do I know if my baby has a skin allergy to lotion?

Nikki Chase

As co-owner Era Organics, Nikki's expertise runs deep. She spends her days immersed in the latest medical studies and scouring trusted websites, ensuring her knowledge reflects the cutting edge of science.

About Nikki Chase